Message Flags

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All our Message Flags are 3ft x 5ft in size and are made with 100% Outdoor Nylon Fabric. Our Message Flags are Specifically Manufactured for Outdoor Use. They are Authentically Reproduced with Special Attention to Detail and Durability.  They have Sewn Edges and 4 Rows of Lock Stitching on the Fly End.  Our Nylon Message Flags offer Lustrous Beauty, Superior Wear, Plus Excellent Flyability even in the Slightest Breeze.  Each Flag has Three Equal Horizontal Red, White and Blue Stripes and Finished with Strong White Headers and two Brass Grommets.  Our Nylon Message Flags are Made to Last.

ATTN: If by chance, you Find a Lower Price than shown on our Website, Please let Us know.  We will try to Beat it with a Lower Price if we can.   Remember… You get Free Shipping on Orders of $100.00 or More!

All Our Message Flags are 100% Made in the U.S.A.!


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All our Flags are made by the Top Manufacturers in the United States and we Believe in them 100%.  We would be Proud to be your New Flag Supplier.  We Thank You for Visiting Our Online Flag Store and We Hope your Shopping Experience will be a Pleasant one.  Please Come Back Anytime.  We are Always Open!


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If You’re Looking for “Made in the USA”, High Quality Flags and other Flag related Products, then You’ve Come to the Right Place!  The Only Difference between our Flags and other Flags seen on the Internet today is the Price. And that’s ALL!  We just Chose to Sell our Flags for Low Prices.

[/bsf-info-box][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-envelope-o” icon_size=”45″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#c90000″ title=”Contact Us” pos=”square_box” box_min_height=”380″ box_border_style=”solid” box_border_color=”#1e73be” title_font_color=”#1e73be”]

If by chance, you find a Lower Price on another Website or Flag Store, Please let Us know.  We’ll try to Beat it with a Lower Price if we can.  No matter what Flag or Flag item you find on another Website or Flag Store, I’m sure we can get the same item, with the Same Quality, and possibly at a Lower Price.  If in doubt, don’t hesitate to email us at  and ask.  We will give you an answer within 24 hours. 

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