When to Dispose of an American Flag
The U.S. Flag Code says, “The Flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” When an American Flag is worn beyond repair, it should be retired in a respectful manner.
The first way to dispose of an American Flag is to hold a Flag burning ceremony at your home or other private location. Before conducting a Flag burning ceremony, note the material of your Flag and the local fire ordinances. Some materials may emit toxins if openly burned.
Begin a Flag burning ceremony by folding the whole Flag in its customary manner. Instructions for properly folding a Flag can be found here. Next, start a fire large enough to completely burn the Flag and respectfully place the Flag into the fire. The Flag should not touch the ground in the process.
As the Flag begins to burn, Salute the Flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance, and pause for a moment of silence. The Flag should be thoroughly burned so that nothing besides ashes are left. Finally, bury the ashes.